Congratulations to Jim Carter!


We thought you would like to be one of the first to know the latest, greatest news at the Park!


Baraboo native becomes the next superintendent at Devil’s Lake State Park.  Jim Carter begins officially on Monday August 31st but has been acting in the role since the departure of Steve Schmelzer earlier this year, who was promoted to the Southwest District Parks Supervisor. 


Born and raised in Baraboo, the park has been a part of Carter’s life in both work and play.  Growing up, his family spent long days on the south shore beach before there was a boardwalk along the lake.  “My mom was a teacher and we would meet other teachers' families for long days during the summer, swimming in the water and playing in the sand.”  The swim team he was on would hold end-of-season picnics on the north shore, and his cross-country coach in high school introduced him and others to rock climbing.  Carter’s dad taught his brother and him how to sail at the lake, and his first experience turkey hunting was also at the park. Carter met his wife when they were both in college and working as LTE-Park Rangers during the summer at Devil’s Lake.  After graduating from UW-Madison, he was hired as the Maintenance Supervisor and later became the Assistant Superintendent in 2011.  Carter is most excited about the wealth of recreational opportunities the park has to offer and the far reaching and diverse population of visitors that come to explore.  “This park has afforded me some of the greatest recreational memories of my life, and it’s those experiences that I am excited to continue to offer to others.”

Be safe, be well,

Friends of Devils Lake